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Behind the Author

Writing has been and always will be a passion of mine. In elementary school, I used to create stories and make my own pop-up books.


I had to do the illustrations, and they were terrible, but the story kept my family and friends entertained.


I continued to study my writing craft, constantly developing and always creating. Winning a few small short story competitions in my local area. I hit a moment where it was time to move, and my mother thought, let's go down to Los Angeles. I came from a small town in Lake Tahoe, California, and Los Angeles was one big, exciting city.


What made me go WOW in writing was taking a screenwriting course in high school. My writing and love for the film industry ignited like magic for my creativity. Scripts were less detailed, and there was more dialogue and development in the story and character emotions. At the time, I was all about short, sweet, and to the point.


Movies, scripts, and the spotlight were my dreams and visions! Dialogue came naturally to me. Watching actors portray my work live and bring characters to life was another dream fulfilled. 


I continued my courses in film schools and colleges, breaking into the industry as a makeup artist...wait...what??? A makeup artist?


That is a twist, and I'm saving that story for a day...Scripts are fun!


Being a makeup artist showed me the path behind the camera, and boy, it was a long journey. I continued writing, and after constantly being told to change my plot and characters to what sold for the year, I found myself continually defeated. Which is not a bad trait. In the industry, you grow a thick skin. Plus, they always chase was is the big money maker...naturally. If my stories weren't the hot ticket item, no one was interested. 


Summersville originally consisted of many screenplays about a new soap opera series. I submitted them, and it got down to the final moments where this could happen—I could be green-lit!


Then, I was told," Sorry, it's all about reality TV right now." The dream dimmed. But deep down, I knew this story could work. I challenged myself and decided to become an author and give Summersville the story it deserved.


Plus, these characters in my head never left. I have been writing them since high school.


Submitting to publishing houses and agents was even more disappointing. There are many scams out there, and I have learned from all of them. The letdown was getting letters and emails to change my characters into vampires or wizards, or could I change the plot where kids are killing one another? Can they be superheroes? I have heard it all.  


I still adhered to my vision. Over the years, I have read and attended other writing courses from my favorite authors and screenwriters. When they shared their writing journeys, they inspired me as they stuck to their plan and never let go of their dreams.


Even when many people, and I mean many people, told them no, or they weren't good enough, or their story wouldn't sell, someone would end up believing, being in their corner, and saying yes. They didn't give in, and neither will I.  


I looked into self-publishing. I have been able to keep my characters, mine. I don't have to change the plot or be told my genre isn't popular right now, or my favorite, let's shelve the story for 3-5 years.


Now, I have decided to release what I want when I want. Since turning my passion into a profession, I officially released Summersville in 2013. It's been growing pains, but it's out there. I continued to write the series. Then, two years ago, I looked back at my work and told myself, nope! It needs a re-vamp.


I pulled the books, had the covers redone, and re-released them. I figured if the public doesn't mind the many reboots of movies and characters, why can't writers do that with their books?


It's all learning lessons that make me a better writer. We need to study our craft, no matter who we are.


I am constantly exploring new themes, genres, and ideas. It's challenging work, but not to sound too cliche. "If it were meant to be easy, everyone would be doing it." 


What makes me happy is sitting down, typing on a fresh, blank page, and allowing the ideas (and voices) to pour out and flow.


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